
Outcome Based Investing Portfolios

At OCM Asset Management we offer six main model portfolios whose targeted outcomes on a five to seven year rolling basis range from delivering 3% per annum to 7% plus per annum. Each model Portfolio is operated with an equity allocation from 0% up to a maximum position of 85% equity and will invest in the whole of the investment universe, using passive and active strategies when appropriate.

We run the portfolios as standalone models with clear objectives and clients are individually allocated to one at a time and switched between them based on the following:

  • Outcome we are trying to achieve for that individual client.
  • The client’s indicative / emotional acceptance of capital losses over a 12-month period.
  • Our analysis of where the market is in relation to perceived capital at risk.
  • House view of expected volatility and short / medium term momentum

Alongside these models, we offer an Sustainable ESG portfolio range for more ethically conscious investors, alongside a suite of Long Hold portfolios for those who are happy to accept full market volatility.

To understand more about our strategy and the performance / volatility of the underlying portfolios over different time periods please click here…..

Please note the value of investments may fluctuate in price or value and you might get back less than the amount originally invested. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. 

Portfolio Factsheet

Understand our strategy and the performance & volatility of the underlying portfolios
